Thursday, July 24, 2008

A VeRy Happy UN-Birthday to you!!

This is what Jason came home to after a super LONG week of work

The birthday king in in all his glory

Jason and I sporting our SWEET Hats :)

Steve, Keira, me and Jason celebrating in our once again, awesome hats. Thanks Keira!

Dylan making use of our hats a couple days later :)

So... I know this probably seems a little crazy but, I planned this months ahead of time and the day finally arrived. A little background, Jason's birthday is December 21st and last year it happened to fall on the day we flew home from our honeymoon.... Needless to say, we weren't really able to celebrate it like a normal birthday and in the rush of the holidays we weren't really able to ever make it up. So, I decided a half-birthday was the perfect opportunity. So, June 21st this is what Jason came home to! He had no idea and it kept Keira and I busy in the office that day. We had a great time, I wrapped the presents over and over in newspaper coupons because we didn't have wrapping paper, Keira googled how to make party hats, we made a cake and it was fabulous! ...Did I mention that when we went out to dinner that night the restuarant made him wear a giant fish hat when they sang to him?! Ha ha ha pretty sure it was awesome!


The Fords said...

HA HA!! I will never forget that! that was so much fun! :) We should plan steve an un-birthday!!